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Welcome to the New Room 4 Website!

I want to welcome all Room 4 students and families to our new website. I'm really excited to build and grow this website, as well as building up and helping to grow all of my students. I welcome you, parents and students, into this process of growing. It is going to be a year full of fun and challenging projects and activities, and we're working on getting field trips in place.


Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for this website. For now, the home page will be where I post photos and descriptions of activities.The Room 4 page will be for information on school wide events and information particular to Room 4. Projects and Deadlines is where you can find all information about projects. You can always e-mail me any questions about projects, and I will respond as soon as possible.  Events and News is where I will post photos and information about everything else!

I look forward to communicating and working with you all!

Ms Riley

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